Thursday, February 16, 2023

Faye Rd Rock Pile

Seen next to Faye Rd, Woods Hole, an isolated rock pile:

Not much to see [Frankly, I took the above picture yesterday and cannot see the pile in the picture, today.]

Usually you should not trust a solitary rock pile as being ceremonial. In this place, with a road and a railroad track (not shown) cutting through the little valley that was once there, I expect there might have been a few other piles in this place. There might still be some left but I did not go scramping around - the car engine was still running, my wife was waiting, and it was a narrow road.

1 comment :

Curtiss Hoffman said...

Peter -=
Can you specify where along Fay Road this is, and on which side? The road is rather long. I'd like to add this site to the inventory.