Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Thick blades

Found in Rhode Island, these are quite similar:

They only look nicely flaked on one surface:

I was trying to figure out, how this 'tool' would have been used: Was it hand-held or hafted? Is it broken? It sort-of looks like the thinner portion, going up a step to the thicker portion, might be to accommodate a handle. I examined it closely and noticed a faint discoloration:
You may need to  click in to see the band of darker color. It runs all the way around the item, at the same place as where the back goes up a step to the thicker part. I have learned that this discoloration is significant and I regard it as proof hafting. That starts to explain it; and the similarity in shape between the quartz and red example makes them not seem like isolated designs. These are thick, working blades - nothing delicate about them. 

I would love to know what is the reddish material of the larger 'blade'? It is a bit like quartzite, very fine grained, colored somewhere between cranberry sauce and and coca cola.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I would think it’s quartzite, I know a spot where quartzite veins were quarried and the solid red seems to be the intermediate layer between the granite? bedrock and the more easily recognizable red and white speckled quartzite