Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Woodbridge 1 - Peck Hill from Coachman's Ln

The first of several short hikes around Peck Hill, in Woodbridge CT. As it turns out there are two natural corridors that lead here from the Naugatuck River - one a broad valley leading north east from Ansonia, the other Bladen's River. Peck Hill, also known as Judge's Rock Hill, is a steep ridge between these two approaches - holding some of the springs that lead down to rivers and the sea.

By way of an overview, in the last week, we visited sites in eastern CT, western CT (Woodbridge), eastern NY, and central NY. I saw familiar items in all of these places but Woodbridge was a little out-of-step with the others. Everything seemed quite old and there were three or four types of feature in Woodbridge that I never saw before. More on that later. 

Here is a brief view of the first site we visited. We were driving around backroads and found an entrance to the woods off the side of Coachman's Lane. At the top of a steep climb we found the blue-dot trail a few yards east of the main "rock", as shown in previous post. Then a few yards further east, we found a nice site at the junction with the orange-dot trail coming up from the other side of the hill:


I am going to say these:
are possible marker piles.  

And a few possible "mounds with hollows" of the oldest (small and beaten down) type:
This is a bit of a "lazy 9" style.

Nice piles, built on the ground and along the outcrops:

And many more:
Barb captured the essence of the place. Lots of things going on, hard to say any rock is not part of it.

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