This is about rock piles and stone mound sites in New England. A balance is needed between keeping them secret and making them public. Also arrowheads, stone tools and other surface archaeology.
Monday, May 03, 2010
An artificial berm along Snake Meadow Brook
Frank Karkota showed me another interesting site along Snake Meadow Brook, including propped boulders (shown earlier) , some noticeable structures: and a few hints of rock piles:But the most interesting feature, for me, was a berm of smaller cobbles:Walls at either end, join this slightly curved berm to larger boulders:The result is that the berm encloses a space right next to and opening towards the brook with a view to the east. One more look:
yes, that first picture is very nice. That rock on top of rock in that picture has a profile of a turtle with its head extending, small legs, and shell. what do you think? Keith
Coming back to look at that berm picture I think it is almost obvious that the stone wall sections at either end were added later. Take them away and you have an elongated pile somewhat like the early Wachusett Tradition stuff with hollows and tails.
That first picture of yours is really a beauty!
Thanks, I guess the light was just right.
yes, that first picture is very nice. That rock on top of rock in that picture has a profile of a turtle with its head extending, small legs, and shell. what do you think?
I think some turtles are more obvious than others.
Sorry to be obnoxious. I actually do not see a turtle but the small rocks around the central rock-on-rock are interesting
Coming back to look at that berm picture I think it is almost obvious that the stone wall sections at either end were added later. Take them away and you have an elongated pile somewhat like the early Wachusett Tradition stuff with hollows and tails.
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