Last weekend, exploring around the edges of one of the known groups of piles, I came accross what, for me, is a really big rock pile. Although badly damaged (in my opinion) it included all kinds of rectalinear structure: extra corners around the edge, evidence of internal walls, etc. Here is a view from a slight distance:

Here are views from above the other side, where most of the retaining wall is still visible:

Here is one more view from above of a long trench in the pile. Note how the piled up rock are higher to the left than the right. I think this trench was dug into the existing pile and the rocks were moved from inside the trench to the left in the picture. So I think this is vandalism. Walkind around and over the pile it looked like it was dug into in multiple places. If this is correct then I can say that with only one exception, every single large pile in the region was excavated - maybe ten piles in all.

If all these piles were worth excavating then someone must have been finding something - cuz it is a lot of work and would not have been continued if it was not rewarding. So I know this is just a house of cards but it makes me wonder: where are the private collections of artifacts around here? What do they contain?
There's only one way to find out what's in the rock piles...
Yeah I know but it is not allowed. If it involved restoring a badly damaged pile - including prospecting through its remnants - then I might agree it was a good thing. I think there probably is something more to be found in already badly ravaged piles - like this big one. So I hope someday the town that owns the land will take such a project seriously.
Is it a possible concern that discussion of this here might inspire people to go out and destroy more piles? This is a topic I've always hesitated to discuss.
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