Monday, July 17, 2006

A small boulder group site south of South Shaker Rd, Harvard, MA

Across from the "Holy Hill Conservation Land" parking lot, on the south side of South Shaker Rd is another trail leading south into the woods. I went in there and explored a bit to the left of the trail. About 100-200 yards in, down near the wetland, was a boulder group with rock-on-rock, and a few noticeable alignments.

Here is a rock-on-rock with the boulders in the background:
Here is a cluster of rock-on-rocks:
Here is an alignment which incorporates rock-on-rocks:
So this is an east facing site, on the final gentle slope down to a wetland.

One more picture from this site shows a pair of rocks on a support, which I call "Twins".
Notice the distinctive shape of the rock on the left, somewhat paralleled by the shape of the rock on the right. The shape is a bit like a boat rudder and I believe it is a variation on the "crescent" or "comma" or "cashew" shaped rock we were discussing here last week.

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pwax said...
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